I'm happy to welcome back the wonderful Nancy Gideon, the woman who introduced me to paranormal romance. Well-written paranormal romance. If you haven't read any yet, I challenge you to pick up one of Nancy's books. They're hot, entertaining, suspenseful, interesting...I could go on and on. But why not just let Nancy tell you herself. She's chatting with us today about book trailers, and then we'll take a quick look at her newest release! Take it away, Nancy!
~ Pictures worth a 1,000 words! ~
By Nancy Gideon
The fun part about doing a book release is all the goodies that go along with it – like blog tours. I love to get a little lagniappe – that something extra you didn’t expect . One of my favorites is a book trailer, that visual and audio tease of what you can expect between the pages of the book. Getting it juuuuust right is always a challenge. Finding the right music to set the tone, the text that packs enough impact in six words or less per flip. And the images to tie everything together.
I’ve done several trailers for my earlier “By Moonlight” books. For the first, I only supplied the text and crossed my fingers (It turned out great!). For the second, I picked the music clip as well, and offered suggestions. For the third, I got in on finding graphics (Who would have thought paging through hundreds of ‘Sexy Male Torso’ pictures could be such a chore!) and found a very cool film intro. But REMEMBERED BY MOONLIGHT was special – my first self-published book as well as the return of my favorite main couple, and I wanted (in my very OCD way!) to have my finger prints on everything. Finding my Max Savoie took hours upon hours – but I recognized MY Max the second I saw him. My cover artist and I scoured the image sights and I picked out graphics that represented the setting, the mood, several scenes, and the characters and she did her magic with them. I played match-up between text and images, found an old collection of music clips from earlier trailers, and sent the package off to my awesome virtual assistant, My Girl Friday (I draw the line somewhere. I don’t do tech!). A couple of tweaks later . . . Well, see for yourself. I think it captures my new release perfectly. How about you?
Because the road to . . .
Clever, cool and preternaturally lethal, Max Savoie is leader of a secretive shape-shifter clan, heir to a mobster’s legacy, and the love of New Orleans’ top cop . . . but he can’t remember any of them. The only way to recover his past, and his rightful place in the arms of the woman who risked all to save him, is to surrender to a mysterious visitor who could use him as a weapon against all he’d loved.
Happily-Ever-After . . .
After rescuing her mate from his ruthless captors in the North, hard-hitting Detective Charlotte Caissie is now painfully vulnerable—a stranger in his eyes . . . and in his bed. The key to his memories is locked in a tortuous past. To reclaim the strength of their passionate bond, Max must learn to trust her enough to face that darkness at her side before the threat it hides exposes the secret Cee Cee carries.
Is never smooth.
When an investigation into grisly deaths in an underground Shifter fight club points to more than just dangerous clan rivalries, Cee Cee enlists Max’s help to find a traitor in their midst while there’s still time to turn a deadly invading tide. But the cost of saving their treasured future may mean sacrificing his past. Especially when the enemy they pursue . . . might be Max, himself.
Excerpt ~
The bare wall of windows let in the lights of the city against an ink-black sky, silhouetting a solitary figure. Her throat clutched as she recalled the first time she’d seen him there when the building was still a metal skeleton, toeing the edge of the beam, his dark coat billowing behind him like the wings of a fallen angel. His pose was no less dramatic now, sleek, dark and solitary as he stared out into the night.
Cee Cee bit down on her initial impulse to demand where he’d been, knowing her panic would shine through. No pressure. Don’t push. Give him space. Her restraint was rewarded by the quiet murmur of his voice.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Giles and I were going through the books at LEI, and time got away from us. There’s so much I need to learn if I’m to maintain the masquerade of knowing who I am. I apologize if you were worried.”
He’d been with Giles at Legere Enterprises International tending his inherited ill-gotten and now nearly legal gains. All anxieties addressed and answered. She relaxed.
She could tell by his hesitation that there was more he wanted to say, so she remained silent and let him work up to it. Still, his question took her by surprise.
“What was that this morning?”
“I had a very busy morning. Be more specific.”
“Between us.”
Specific as a heart attack. No use tiptoeing around it.
“We’ve had a sort of psychic connection since we bonded.” Thankfully, he didn’t ask her to explain thatprocess. “We can get inside each other’s heads.”
He had yet to look toward her. She didn’t need a psychic bond to feel him locking down tight to prevent her unauthorized entry.
“How does it work?” How can I stop it? That’s what he really wanted to know.
“I’m not sure. We share thoughts, feelings, dreams.”
“All the time?” Oh, such wariness in that simple question. So Max.
“No. Of course not. It’s not something we’ve explored. It happens rarely, in times of stress or when we . . .”
Have sex. That dropped between them like a ticking bomb.
“Don’t worry,” she concluded, tone brittle. “I knock before I come in, and wait for permission.”
He turned slowly to face her.
The past months of anxiety and fear fell away as she stared at him, heart seizing. Here was the Max Savoie she’d fallen helplessly in love with against all her best intentions. Impeccably dressed, the lines of a designer suit skimming his long, lean and lethal frame, the toes of his athletic shoes peeping from beneath tailored slacks in sassy juxtaposition.
Darkness and shadow carved out features too rough and bold to be handsome, yet too compelling to be ignored. Unblinking eyes, as pale and green as the still waters of the bayou, shone with an eerie intensity from beneath an uncompromising line of heavy brows and unruly black hair nearly tamed by a stylishly short cut. Faint stubble shaded the set of his rugged jaw, lending a harshly dangerous air to his outward sophistication.
He was thuggishly elegant, graceful yet seething with raw power, aloof and still undeniably fascinating. Legere’s enigmatic enforcer turned influential businessman and philanthropist. Traumatized orphan child who’d polarized a group of frightened misfits into a tight community family. Everything she’d ever wanted.
She’d worried over him, missed him, needed him but until this moment, when the unexpected mention of sex reared its wicked head, Cee Cee hadn’t realized just how long she’d gone without the physical side of their relationship. Seeing him standing there fit and fine, wreathed in stillness and mystery, so tempting, so inviting, a fever hot dream personified, her body burned until only a fire extinguisher could cool her intention of coaxing him back into an intimate bed.
Until he spoke.
“How is this possible, you being a human?”
It was her turn to hold back behind silence.
His eyes narrowed into long cautious slits. “What are you, Detective? What makes you different?” What makes you dangerous to me? was tacitly implied.
“I’m like you. I’m more.”
Giveaway ~
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Author Bio ~
Nancy Gideon is the author of over 55 novels ranging from Regencies, historicals and contemporary suspense to dark paranormal romance, with a couple of horror screenplays thrown into the mix. When not at the keyboard or working full time as a legal assistant in Southwest Michigan, she can be found feeding her addictions for Netflix and all things fur, feather and fin, enjoying Grammy time (usually watchingThe Avengers), and meeting new friends and readers through her GoodReads “Nancy Gideon by Moonlight” group. Her books can also be found under the pen names Dana Ransom, Rosalyn West and Lauren Giddings.
You can find Nancy at:
Website | Blog | Goodreads By Moonlight Group | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Google+ | Pinterest
Series ~
Masked by Moonlight {Book 1}
New Orleans homicide detective Charlotte Caissie is dedicated to bringing down the crime boss responsible for her father’s murder. Using Jimmy Legere’s mysterious and irresistible right-hand man is a dangerous gamble, and not only due to his reputation as more monster than man. Because her feelings for Max Savoie are . . . complicated.
Rescued from the swamps as a child, Max exists silently in Legere’s shadow, heeding only his voice—until Charlotte Caissie awakens his emotions and tests his loyalties. Stepping outside his cautious rules threatens more than just his heart. He could expose his darkest secret.
Testing boundaries they weren’t meant to cross means facing the truth about who and what they are—and what they need from each other. If Max is the murderer she seeks, Charlotte could be his next victim. She can’t afford to trust any man. Good thing Max isn’t one.
Praise for Masked by Moonlight
This review is from: Masked by Moonlight (Mass Market Paperback)
Masked by Moonlight is the first in a hot new trilogy by Nancy Gideon. I killed this book in two days – it was impossible to set down. I was devoured by the main characters as Gideon laced the pages with brilliant chemistry between Max and Charlotte. [Read the Entire Review]
Chased by Moonlight {Book 2}
Mixing business with pleasure gets more complicated for Detective Charlotte Caissie when her sexy preternatural lover, Max Savoie, is accused of a high-profile murder. To prove him innocent she must distance herself, but her tangled emotions don’t make it easy for her to stay away from him. And neither does Max.
Left in charge of a criminal empire and protector of a clan of shadowy shape-shifters, Max walks a precarious line. Can he believe the cunning stranger who claims he can teach Max the things he needs to know to stay alive? A con man who would betray anyone to make a profit, who may be a ruthless killer?
The harder Cee Cee fights to clear Max’s name, the more he pushes her away. He’s protecting a dark truth that could blow the top off her investigation. And that means hiding his motives and lying to a woman who values truth above all. The woman who can save him . . . if he’ll let her.
Praise for Chased by Moonlight
Ms Gideon, a talented and very creative author, captivated me from the first page of the first book to the last page of the third. She had stirred up my emotions with her bewitching stories. The plots were non-stop action with twist and turns on each page, which curl my toes many times, full of suspense, romance, and humor.
The characters were passionate, complex, and dynamic. I also loved Moonlight Series because it is about Charlotte and Max, with whom I have fallen in love with. I am desparetly waiting for the rest of the series to come. [Read the Entire Review]
Captured by Moonlight {Book 3}
Detective Charlotte Caissie is growing used to the secrets that come with loving the mysterious leader of a shape-shifter clan. But that doesn’t mean she has to like it. She’s avoided complications of the heart all her life, but when it comes to irresistible Max Savoie, she’ll force the truth out of him if she has to.
Hunted by the deadly trackers his nefarious father warned him about, Max is transforming into a preternatural force he can’t explain and Cee Cee will never understand. He’s tempting the dangerous limits of their love, but it’s her curiosity that could get them both killed.
When Max discovers the enemy’s true target is someone far more vulnerable than he, he must do the unthinkable to save his own flesh and blood. But he can’t fight this battle alone, and Cee Cee faces the ultimate test of loyalty: the man she’d sacrifice everything for . . . or the laws she swore her life to protect.
Praise for Captured by Moonlight
By tudi (usa) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Captured by Moonlight (Mass Market Paperback)
I can’t say enough good things about this book. It was every bit as good as the first two. I love Max and Charlotte together. And Max? He is tough, scary, loyal, and oh so vulnerable. I read somewhere, maybe on Ms. Gideon’s website, that there are 3 more books to this series. I can’t wait.
Bound by Moonlight {Book 4}
Detective Charlotte Caissie is suddenly sharing drawer space and making local news with her shape-shifter lover, Max Savoie. He’s determined to be accepted by her peers—so how can she ask him to return to his criminal roots to help her solve a complex case?
Working undercover with her partner to find the serial killer who’s kidnapped a colleague’s daughter, Cee Cee is caught between her job and her fiercely possessive lover. And when she calls on Max’s preternatural talents to aid his hated enemy, she crosses a line that strains their relationship to its limit.
With his secret spreading, Max is forced to protect his family and his clan. The only certainty is his love for his human mate . . . unless the loyalties that define them divide them forever.
Excellent addition to the series, August 13, 2011
By Ksbaird “KSB” (Central Ohio) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Bound By Moonlight (Kindle Edition)
I will not give a synopsis as others have already done so, but I wanted to give my recommendation to this book because it held my attention non-stop from start to finish. The development of the characters were true to who they were in the previous three books, but you also learn more about their pasts and how those pasts shape their decisions and relationships today (especially between the main two characters). Ms Gideon doesn’t pull any punches on the positives and negatives of every character; whether it be how they deal with relationships to how different characters handle the idea of shifters in their midst to the shifter’s fear of the Trackers. Please note, I do not believe this is a stand alone book. Readers, in my opinion, would be confused by alot of the story provided without reading the first three books. Still, I believe reading all four books to be worthwhile, and this book was an excellent addition to a wonderful series of books about Max and CeeCee.

With his secret spreading, Max is forced to protect his family and his clan. The only certainty is his love for his human mate . . . unless the loyalties that define them divide them forever.
Praise for Bound by Moonlight
By Ksbaird “KSB” (Central Ohio) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Bound By Moonlight (Kindle Edition)
I will not give a synopsis as others have already done so, but I wanted to give my recommendation to this book because it held my attention non-stop from start to finish. The development of the characters were true to who they were in the previous three books, but you also learn more about their pasts and how those pasts shape their decisions and relationships today (especially between the main two characters). Ms Gideon doesn’t pull any punches on the positives and negatives of every character; whether it be how they deal with relationships to how different characters handle the idea of shifters in their midst to the shifter’s fear of the Trackers. Please note, I do not believe this is a stand alone book. Readers, in my opinion, would be confused by alot of the story provided without reading the first three books. Still, I believe reading all four books to be worthwhile, and this book was an excellent addition to a wonderful series of books about Max and CeeCee.
Hunter of Shadows {Book 5}
The secrets he knows about her could get him killed.
Transferring to the New Orleans Police Department, Detective Silas MacCreedy has a hidden agenda: to secure his clan’s place once again in the Shifter hierarchy. What he didn’t count on was stumbling upon a sexy assassin who could shred his best intentions and lead him into a dangerous dance that threatens to engage his heart.
But the ones he doesn’t know . . .
Monica Fraser knows just how to make a man beg—for his life. But she has no clue how to fight her attraction to the fiercely intense detective who seems determined to get in her way, both professionally and intimately.
. . . could kill them both.
When emotional attachments to the past and an unexpected glimpse of a different future have her questioning her deadly purpose, Nica must discover the truth about her secret abilities in order to free herself from the forces that control her. But that freedom comes with a price—trusting those she’s been ordered to eliminate.
Praise for Hunter of Shadows
By Harriet Klausner
This review is from: Hunter of Shadows (Mass Market Paperback)
New Orleans Police Detective Silas MacCreedy wants his shapeshifter clan to regain the preeminence his family once had. He investigates the recent rash of Shaper females vanishing without a trace. When he sees a woman under assault in an alley, he races to her rescue. Only shapeshfting Monica Fraser proves capable of taking care of herself.Nica is an assassin in town on a mission. He has no time for a cop, but is attracted to Silas. He wants her as much as she does him. As they team up to look into what is happening to shapeshfting women, Charlotte Caissie and Max Savoie assist them. With their lives in peril, the pairs of couples face their biggest danger: love.
This is a great romantic urban fantasy with links to Nancy Gideon’s Moonlight saga (see Masked by Moonlight and Bound by Moonlight). The story line is loaded with twists as the “Good Samaritan” cop seems to always be near the trained professional killer. Star-crossed as a rival tribe hired her, fans will enjoy the first Shadows of New Orleans due to the kick butt heroine who easily takes the life out of men.
Seeker of Shadows {Book 6}
His town.
Susanna Duchamps came to New Orleans to settle a debt and to temporarily escape the controlled constraints of her life among the Chosen. What she finds is an opportunity to make miraculous strides with her research into Shifter genetics . . . and an unexpected, but never forgotten, man from her complicated past.
Her rules.
Shifter club owner Jacques LaRoche is fiercely protective of his freedom. Stripped of his memories of a former life, he longs for the mate he lost . . . until the enticingly familiar presence of a mysterious stranger from the north ignites a primal, nearly uncontrollable need to release the untamed beast inside him.
Their last chance.
Susanna dares not tell Jacques it was she who sacrificed his past and her future years ago, to protect him and the secret she carried. But her arrival in New Orleans comes with consequences. When a bloody confrontation erupts between their enemy clans, will she betray her lover once again—or throw her own life on the line so they can finish what they started?
Praise for Seeker of Shadows
By Diane – See all my reviews
This review is from: Seeker of Shadows (Kindle Edition)
Wow. Once again, Nancy Gideon delivers a terrific story with whopping impact. She made me love Jacques and ache for his lost memories. Then, she wrenched my heart with Susanna’s secret. I so wanted those two to come together with no secrets between them. I love to read series because of recurring characters. So glad she included Max & CeeCee. Can’t wait for the next book in the series.
Betrayed by Shadows {Book 7}
A good man drowning in bad deeds . . .
Balancing a criminal empire and a preternatural clan war, reluctant front man Giles St. Clair doesn’t need a problem like Brigit MacCreedy . . . How much trouble can the head-strong and manipulative Shifter beauty get into in two weeks? Plenty when her schemes range from kidnapping to fleeing the retribution of her dead lover’s clan.
A bad girl denying a good heart . . .
With her family’s lives on the line, Brigit is willing to do whatever it takes to save them. The only thing standing in her way is an immovable stone wall of a man she can’t bully or beguile . . . a human, no less, who has promised to protect her from the secrets and dangers she conceals.
Caught in a battle they can’t win . . .
Risking her own safety gets complicated when an honorable and annoyingly desirable man puts himself between her and her powerful enemies in Book 7 of the “By Moonlight” series.
Praise for Betrayed by Shadows
By Delia (New England USA) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Betrayed by Shadows (Kindle Edition)
I was worried at the start of this book that I wasn’t going to like it as much as the rest of the series. The main character Brigit is just not the lovable type. After all it was her boyfriend who tried to kill Max. Luckily that guy was not all that smart and Max got away with just a few minor injuries. But have faith fellow readers because Nancy Gideon has outdone herself on this one. It takes an excellent writer to take a semi villain, or at least a major annoyance, and turn them into a character you truly care about.
Of course I should mention that Giles is lovable from the start. Loyal to a fault he is the kind of man everyone needs in their corner. He is even to look past all of his coworkers more interesting traits, seeing as they are all shifters.
For those of you really concerened with how Max is doing I will tell you we get a peak or two into that. I’d love to read more about my favorite shifter in upcoming books. Overall this was a fantastic novel. The kind I stayed up far too late on a work night because I just couldn’t put it down. Its easy to see why Nancy Gideon has made it into my list of favorite authors!

Of course I should mention that Giles is lovable from the start. Loyal to a fault he is the kind of man everyone needs in their corner. He is even to look past all of his coworkers more interesting traits, seeing as they are all shifters.
For those of you really concerened with how Max is doing I will tell you we get a peak or two into that. I’d love to read more about my favorite shifter in upcoming books. Overall this was a fantastic novel. The kind I stayed up far too late on a work night because I just couldn’t put it down. Its easy to see why Nancy Gideon has made it into my list of favorite authors!
Prince of Shadows {Book 8}
The fourth original eBook in the steamy Shadows paranormal romance series features a woman forced to choose a mate, and a Shifter prince who may need to give up everything to win her.
Held hostage until she chooses a mate, Kendra Terriot must play a careful courtship game when choosing among the dangerous Shifter heirs. As a prince in the House of Terriot, Cale knows he can be the leader his clan needs with Kendra at his side, but first he must learn to become the kind of man she desires. In a treacherous race for the crown, where weakness means death, the only way to win her trust could mean surrendering his throne. But the only way to win her heart could mean letting her go…
Praise for Prince of Shadows
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars LITERAL ADDICTION’s Review of Prince of Shadows, June 4, 2013
LITERAL ADDICTION – See all my reviews
This review is from: Prince of Shadows (Kindle Edition)
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION‘s Pack Alpha – Michelle L. Olson:
*Copy gifted for an honest reviewI think this might be my favorite book of the series. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved Max and the gang, but there was just something about this installment that grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. I actually think I know what it was… I read & enjoy Paranormal Romance a lot, but I always tend to gravitate back to Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, and Thriller, and quite frankly, the darker the better. This installment of the Moonlight series was definitely darker, grittier, more dangerous, and had a plot rife with twists… and I simply loved it!
Cale Terriot, or hero, is completely caught up in the dark world of his father’s making as possible heir to the Terriot throne. While deep in his heart he yearns for so much more, he does what must be done, no matter how grave.
Kendra loved Cale as a child, but after her family was destroyed she blames the family for her loss and fears that Cale has turned into his father… or worse.
The Prince of Shadows tale is all about Cale playing a very dangerous game – trying to prove his love to Kendra, while keeping up appearances with his father and family – all the while just trying to stay alive. It kept me on the edge of my seat and was deliciously entertaining.
LITERAL ADDICTION gives Prince of Shadows 5 Skulls. While I do suggest reading the entire MOONLIGHT series, Prince of Shadows easily stands well on its own as a great read.
Cale Terriot, or hero, is completely caught up in the dark world of his father’s making as possible heir to the Terriot throne. While deep in his heart he yearns for so much more, he does what must be done, no matter how grave.
Kendra loved Cale as a child, but after her family was destroyed she blames the family for her loss and fears that Cale has turned into his father… or worse.
The Prince of Shadows tale is all about Cale playing a very dangerous game – trying to prove his love to Kendra, while keeping up appearances with his father and family – all the while just trying to stay alive. It kept me on the edge of my seat and was deliciously entertaining.
LITERAL ADDICTION gives Prince of Shadows 5 Skulls. While I do suggest reading the entire MOONLIGHT series, Prince of Shadows easily stands well on its own as a great read.
Welcome back, Nancy! Always a delight to have you and your wonderful work here!
Thank you MJ!! Wow! NICE post. Thanks for including the whole series.
Wow! Impressed with your productivity! And Max "thuggishly elegant" says it all! Best of luck.
Doesn't it though? The storyline really tugs on your heartstrings. I'm glad you stopped by, Susan!
Wouldn't want to leave a single one out. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
I agree, M.J.! What a great title. Best wishes to the both of you!
-R.T. Wolfe
Thank you! And I appreciate you stopping in and participating in our discussion.
I'm so glad you let us know what happens between Max and Cee Cee.
Love both the trailer & the sound track for Remembered, Nancy. Awesome job!
I know. These characters are great and you just love to see what happens to them. Great to have you here, Diane!
I'm glad you stopped in to enjoy them, Sandra! And you're right. Nancy and crew did a fantastic job!
Late stopping by, but just have to say "Thank you, Nancy, for bringing back Max and Cee Cee!!!" Oh, and did I mention Max?? :)
I'm with you, Loralee! Max has got that mysterious, aloof sex appeal that makes you want to just gobble up the pages he's on! Thanks for participating today!
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